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The family of I-SCI-FI has the most sad news of announcing the loss of a dear friend. The man that started this all. The patriarch of I-SCI-FI
Rex Rouviere body lost a battle that took him away from Earth at the age of 49 , on Saturday 04 Oct 2014,
surrounded by his loving wife Vicki (V.I.K.I), his two son’s Justin and Jeremy.

To know Rex (Cap’n T. Rex) is to know a very quirky amazing person. He was one that did shake hands, he would give you a bear hug, because he only shook hands with friends. We (Christine aka C.R.S and I) met Rex during the public screening of I, Robot in Sandy Utah, in 2004. In the ten years I have known Rex there have been many ups and down, but all in all if you could see eye to eye you knew you had someone in your life that loved and cared for his extended family.
There may be many people that only knew Rex because of his love for science, fiction, Star Trek, movies, his work at Sarcos helping to build the future robotic and man combination. Few were lucky enough to see beyond his thick skin, his passion and that he was more than a fair weather friend. I am filled with elation that I was able to see Rex and Vicki and Salt Lake ComicCon last month and the big guy hugged the stuffing out of me like always. The time we had known each means more than I can post here, even though our work and life prevented many of the meet-ups and couldn’t see him often, I still consider him a dear friend.
God speed Rex. You made it brother! I hope you get to shake hands with Deforrest and Jimmy and that they have open arms for the world biggest Trekkie that walked Earth for such a short time.
Please feel free to comment (they will require approval before showing up, please do not double-post), if you have any negative comments keep them to yourself and this is not about you, but about our friend, and we pray with his family that they may have comfort knowing that Rex has his 20 sided die, and St. Peter rolled a 1.
All our love from Jeff, Christine, our children Steven, Andrea, Andrea, Dylan, Dale, Bryce, Erik, Nick and our grandkids that never had the chance to meet Cap’n T. Rex in person.
I-SCI-FI, do you.
From his family via facebook : https://www.facebook.com/rex.rouviere
Rex Rouviere’s obituary. It will appear in the Tuesday and Wednesday Trib/DNews.
“Known to many as Captain T-Rex, Rex Randall Rouviere was born to parents Joseph and Ella Rouviere at Mather Air Force Base in Sacramento, California on April 4th 1965. Rex passed away on October 4th, 2014 after a brief illness. He is survived by both his parents Ella and Joe, wife Vicki, two sons Jeremy and Justin, Justin’s wife Amber, his sister Celeste Creek, along with his niece Ashley, nephew Zach and many extended relatives. Rex was an outgoing person who loved life and the many adventures it had to offer. A passionate draftsman, Rex loved working on everything from rockets to robots. Rex was an aficionado of science fiction, costuming, gaming, and writing as well as a participant of many clubs and fandoms. A gentle giant who was creative with a sharp wit and a big heart, Rex was dearly loved and will be greatly missed.
Services will be held at the Canyons Church at 11 a.m. Thursday October 9th at 1700 E Fort Union Blvd, Salt Lake City, Utah 84121 http://www.canyonschurch.com/ .
Everyone is welcome to attend but the family requests that attendees bring a dish for a potluck after the service.”
Live long, and I-SCI-FI….
I met Rex at Denver Star Fest. When he learned about Star Fighters and talked to Timothy Raynor and me I knew we had a true friend and supporter for our passion.
He will be missed greatly. Especially since we had even written in a special part for him in our film in development now. But, we will make sure to dedicate Star Fighters The Film to Captain T Rex.
We love you Rex and can’t wait to be reunited with you and all the TREK actors you will be hanging out with beyond!