Food Tech : Eating people products. Soylent Green 2010

Soylent Green is a 1973 American science fiction film directed by Richard Fleischer. Starring Charlton Heston. This bizarre story is about the world being out of control, overpopulated and food is coming from an unknown source which turns out to be something very bad, human that are killed for population control or wish to die are turned into pellets for human consumption. That being strange and bizzare has come to the real world.

Miriam Simun, a NYU student started a project to make cheese from hman breast milk. Yes breast milk is healthy for babies, and full of vitamins, but for adults and in cheese , I kinds get me creepy out thinking about this one.

human cheese

Granted cow’s milk isn’t the best thing for us human according to some, but would you want to have cheese from human that may be the last person you would even thing of getting within 100 feet of you, not only that how would the FDA regulate this. Sure its not from dead people or by products, but just eeeew..

This is not funny and I didn’t make it up but see for yourself the original sources are listed below:

Original post :

source :

* geeks how would you like to work at this dairy? lol not.  <PUKE>repeat</PUKE>

John Debney Composer ~ Iron Man 2 ~ Predators

John Debney head shotJohn Debney deserves an Academy award as he is one busy composer working on 4~5 projects at once!   With work completed on Predators, Iron Man 2, and working again with Robert Rodriguez scoring the upcoming movie Machete.  You can see that John is working on several projects in 2010 and that has always been the case.  You can see his work in action on YouTube, also samples of John work if featured on his website.  John did a live Q and A on Justin.TV June 30 2010, which you can watch here.

Because of John’s crazy scheduled and the amount of coffee (he needs to get stock in StarBucks) , we were able ask a few questions via his PR firm instead of a live on mic conversation.

Here’s what we came up with including an obscure questions about his involving in Disney’s The Strongest Man in The World (1975).

Predators soundtrack cover1. What is your inspiration to your compositions in big budget movies like Iron Man 2, Predators? The film and images within inspire my work. I’m very visually oriented so I usually draw my inspiration from the visuals and the actors and storyline.

2. When working on a project do you use traditional gear (piano, guitar, strings, etc), or all virtual instruments? I usually mock-up every piece of music virtually, then I add “live” instruments on top. I’ve played a lot of guitar on the last few projects and I really enjoy the performance aspect of working on these scores.

3. Looking at your resume on IMDB we notice that you worked on animated, children’s programs sci-fi, action, adventure. Is there such a thing as a favorite genre? I really don’t have a favorite genre. Working on a variety of different projects helps me stay fresh and clears my head. I really enjoy wearing different hats and creating different types of scores.

4. We have listened to your Iron man 2 scores and we love the heard edge you gave the movie and drove the story with your score. How were you able to accomplish such seamless music to on screen synergy? Thank you very much for the compliment! A score in a film especially an action film should propel the story. Iron Man is this really amazing cutting edge, playboy, inventor, super hip guy. In addition to the classical music elements that play throughout the score, I also incorporated al ot of guitar. I played some of the guitar and then Tom Morello who also performed on the first Iron Man score came in and added his playing to the score to further give it an edge.

5. When working in the studio with a live orchestra what does it feel like to hear your music come to life? It is the most exciting part of what I do. Hearing the music played for the first time is still one of the single most fulfilling moments on a film. Crafting a performance is wonderful, especially if you’re given the chance to work with such brilliant musicians as those in L.A. and London for example.

6. You acted in the 1975 Disney movie: The Strongest Man in the World , Would you like to be on screen again? How funny! Well yes I did a number of commercials and such in my younger days. It very well might be fun to say a few lines on camera again!

7. Can you share how all the pieces come together, electronic, live, to final cut? I usually start by viewing the film once or twice. Then, themes start to come into my head and I start to write at the keyboard. It’s really trial and error for me. Sometimes it takes a number of attempts before I discover the tone and direction to take with a score.

8. What has been the largest Orchestra you have worked with live? I believe that the largest orchestra I’ve worked with to date has been about 110 players.

9. Predators is just around the corner.  How has that been to develop another awesome score (from the previews thus far we have seen)? I loved the Predator movies and I wanted to create an original score but at the same time pay homage to Alan Silvestri’s brilliant original Predator score. It was a great experience and the first time I got to work with Nimrod Antal who is a brilliant director. The producer Robert Rodriguez and I had worked together in the past and he was the one who referred me to Nimrod. I am also currently working on music for Robert’s newest film Machete.

10. Any upcoming projects that you can talk about? (Sin City 2, Sin City 3, the double)?? I’m helping my friend Robert Rodriguez on “Machete” right now. The film is just so much fun! Robert has a way of getting all the best actors in Hollywood to work with him. This film is a throw back to some of Robert’s earlier films and it is quite the fun ride. After that is a wonderful thriller called “The Double.” It’s one of the better scripts I’ve read in a long time and I’m looking forward to getting started on it.

Conduit XX – Ghostbusting a Jedi

Ghostbusters of Salt Lake took on a Jedi master, ok some coold guys from the Ghostbuster and a Jedi costumer at Conduit XX.  This was filmed on Sat May 29 2010 in Salt Lake City.

Run time about 5 mins. its just a short and fun video of the GB and Jedi hamming it up.

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Conduit XX – Wasatch Paranormal

Conduit XX – Wasatch Paranormal segment with Tom Carr and the folks that like to bring you into the realm of the haunted, the unknown and the history of some of Utah’s oldest building as well.  Not only is there history to be learned but keep an open mind and you may see or hear things that indicate something from the other side may lurk the halls and rooms of these building.

I think I frightened Russell Cook as he was being sarcastic until the camera went on.  LOL

For more information visit Wasatch Paranormal

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Conduit XX: Space Camp Utah and a Klingon Lunch Lady.

Will the real Klingon lunch lady please stand up, please stand up please stand up?….  Ok enough of that Jaleta Clegg, you have heard of

utah space camp logo
Utah Space Camp

her in a previous episode on  Well Jaleta is not only a book author,  a mother and a geek, she works with Space Camp Utah.lunch lady

She told me that she is called the Klingon lunch lady, for some of the weird names that come up with for lunch.  Mystery meat anyone?  how about Warrigul with Bahgol (ya I looked that up on wikipedia, like I speak kling on).  .  Just EEEW.  Jaleta brings a sense of humor in this segment, and is also a fan of homestar runner yet the staff at Utah space camp tell her to stop playing the music too loud!

Enjoy this latest episode:

Compare the sinister Jaleta photo with my findings of a Klingon female, notice anything similar  with the pictures above?

Utah Space Camp

Jaleta’s home pagehomestar runner

originally filmed on 03-May-2010  at Conduit XX: Space pirates of conduit.  Live from the convention floor.

<-  my homey  homestarrunner!  he runs fast, has no arms and has a speech impediment.

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Conduit XX: Jaleta Clegg Nexus Point and more.

Jaleta Clegg is a local author from Utah.  Her most recent work Nexus point contains ship, explosion and the feudal age (in laymen terms, the dark ages).

excerpt from her book:

When Captain Dace crash lands on a primitive planet, she finds herself on the run from villagers who are sure she’s a demon and the Patrol, who’s sure she’s a smuggler. Accused of piracy, facing death or worse at the hands of those who should be rescuing her, she must find not only some way to survive but also escape. Unfortunately, the world has other plans….

Jaleta  (jay let ah) is not only candid and a geek, she is a great asset  to the written word.

More information can be found here:

and just to prove it,  here is a pre-interview pic of Jaleta !

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Episode 410 ~ Omega1 ~ John Kera

Episode 410 we talk with John Kera the producer of a movie Omega1 which is in pre-production.

Omega 1
Omega 1

John is also a CEO of a  film production and distribution company that focuses on independent films with well-developed concepts. Currently called . During our conversation John tell us that his company name will be changing to avoid any legal issue and to better market him as a movie producer.  You know what they say its all in a name (grin).  You can find out more about this movie and John on Facebook

News for tonight Microsoft application in the cloud (via web for the neebies out there) when Office 2010 release today prompts Microsoft to allow you to edit and create documents and spreadsheets without anything to install aside from having a browser.  this feature will be slated some time in June 2010.   Also Iron Man2 is kicking ass in the box office and isnt worried that the release of Robin Hood will do much hard to the money making monster.  Did Thor do something to the economy as we are seeing more movies that we have ever before but complain about the price of gas at the pump!

Episode sponsored by IndieNation.FM, The LumpCast (indiesoup), The Guys Podcast

direct link to media file if you have problems listening:

Maximilian Werner ~ Black River Dreams

Max Facebook imageMaximilian Werner a writing professor from the Univeristy of Utah and Jeff from spoke about the work on Black River Dreams, living in Utah’s unique writing style.
Black River Dreams won the 2008 Utah Arts Council’s Original Writing Award for Nonfiction in the Book category.

Max will be at The Kingsenglish Bookshop in salt lake city, for a book reading, and discussion on Thursday Febuary 4th .

Google maps

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Additional information about Mr Warner.


Black River Dreams, available at

Direct links to here :


Movie Review ~ In Bruges

In Bruges Movie review:
Starting Colin Farrell (Ray), Brendan Gleeson (Ken), Ralph Fiennes (Harry)

Bruges a quiet little town in Belgium gets a visit from two hired hit men, to cool off and take a holiday. Only to find out that ther are on the ‘job’ and the job being that Ray is the mark and Ken to carry out the job as directed by their boss Harry.

Although this movie is slated as a comedy and you get some of that from the previews. This movie is DARK and depression with some comedy elements thrown in. A barrage of F*bombs, sarcasm and British does not make up for the message behind this movie. Don’t go to Bruges for holiday, you are just going to get bumped off by your partner (Ken) or your boss.

Bruges looks like a beautiful town and Harry refers to the town as something out of a dream, or a fairy-tale, when he is just wanting to kill Ray for a mistake on his first job.

In Bruges gets 1.5 stars and is rated R: for violence , language, gore, nudity, drug use.