Soylent Green is a 1973 American science fiction film directed by Richard Fleischer. Starring Charlton Heston. This bizarre story is about the world being out of control, overpopulated and food is coming from an unknown source which turns out to be something very bad, human that are killed for population control or wish to die are turned into pellets for human consumption. That being strange and bizzare has come to the real world.
Miriam Simun, a NYU student started a project to make cheese from hman breast milk. Yes breast milk is healthy for babies, and full of vitamins, but for adults and in cheese , I kinds get me creepy out thinking about this one.

Granted cow’s milk isn’t the best thing for us human according to some, but would you want to have cheese from human that may be the last person you would even thing of getting within 100 feet of you, not only that how would the FDA regulate this. Sure its not from dead people or by products, but just eeeew..
This is not funny and I didn’t make it up but see for yourself the original sources are listed below:
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* geeks how would you like to work at this dairy? lol not. <PUKE>repeat</PUKE>