The Originals! The complete first Season :
Sept 2 2014 Brings all 22 episodes of the Originals. This release also includes two hours of never before seen features and so much more!
Sexy Vampires on my! High definition video and audio with included Ultraviolet which allows you watch this amazing series anywhere!

Warner Brothers packaging is pretty slick, the bookshelf style with black backdrop, and having a single blu-ray color plastic disc holder makes this a nice addition to anyone’s video library. Open the packages and you are presented with 9 DISCS , blood red in color because vampires love blood! There are 4 discs in blu-ray format, and 4 DVDs which covers all 22 episode. The 5th DVD contains the special features including 2013 Comic-Con panetl, unaired scenes and so much more! You have to crack open this release and watch it.
Blu-ray or DVD format? lets not start a argument here but High Def 1080p 16:9 format (1.78:1 to exact) is meant for your big screen TV and audio. I must insist in 5.1 at least and crank of the rear speakers for some amazing audio and thump and bump during those scenes that will raise the hairs up for any fan! Mr Hack and C.R.S of @iscifitv will shake the rooms when we watch movies in high def!
These vampires do not sparkle! Thanks to real vampire fans the undead are not super-models, however this series is sure sexy overall. Set in french quarter of New Orleans which was built by none other than , you guessed it! A vampire, Klaus (Joseph Morgan) is more than just your every night vampire his half blood of vampire/werewolf make him one man you need not mess with! Who will claim the right to the hometown ? You wont be spoiled here, you will need to watch and see for yourself.
Turn off the lights, turn on the audio rack in your home, make sure the bass cranked and start with first episode the started it all : The Originals!
PS: This series has been renewed for another season, starting fall of 2014!
MRSP $59.95 DVD / $69.96 BLU-RAY Combo pack (best value!)
Most content is unrated.
Available at most retailers today! Click to purchase this exciting combo pack now save some money and help support us as well. The links below will take you to Amazon where you can start watching now.
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