FanX 2023!

We will be hosting two panels at Salt Lake FanX September 2023

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FanX is celerbrating 10 years from Salt Lake Comic-Con (long story) to the Fan eXperiance. FANX!

In September 2023 we are hosting two different game show panels for fun, sarcasm and testing your knowledge of Star Wars (Movies, Animated series, Books, TV series like The Mandalorian and some interesitng twist with local Utah geeks), Harry Potter as well. Star Wars should be on the FanX schedule, please check the FanX app as changes have already come up! Friday 21-Sept 4pm MDT (Utah time) and Harry Potter friday 22-September 2023 at 7pm MDT (Utah Time).

FanX offical APP

TWITCH LIVE! Yes we are attempting to broadcast this via however due to the number of people at the convention the wifi and cell phone internet may be so slow that the broadcast doesnt go through. This shoudlnt stop of from recording and posting to youtube at a later date as well!

More info to come as we are in the final days of testing and getting ready to be and FanX10

Twisted Toonz – Salt Lake Comic-Con 26 Sept 2015

The group that brought Twisted Toonz to life,  came to Salt Lake Comic-Con.  Several voice actors, including  Jess Harnell (Wakko Warner)  , Rob Paulsen (Yakko Warner), Tress MacNeille (Dot Warner) all from Animaniacs.  Also Maurice LaMarche (Kif from Futurama) , Dee Bradley Baker (American Dad, Star Wars: Clone Wars) and hosted by  Jeff Zannini.

This original material was performed in front of a live audience at Salt Lake Comic-Con, Saturday 25-Sept-2015.

The content and material is re-broadcast under fair-use and share-alike.   We do not own the material, the scripting or the voice characters used in this performance.

**  Please note that this material, any likeness  to real or fictional persons is purely for satire.  Some material may not be appropriate for children.  Rated PG-13/R  for language and crude behavior. **


The camera may shake because of the laughter, and the video angle and/or colors may shift as to the fact this is not the original source video.

So funny you will wet your pants,  close your eyes and listen from time to time and you can see the books/screenplay play-out in your head.

Enjoy! and have fun!

run-time : 94.5 minutes

Conduit XX – Ghostbusting a Jedi

Ghostbusters of Salt Lake took on a Jedi master, ok some coold guys from the Ghostbuster and a Jedi costumer at Conduit XX.  This was filmed on Sat May 29 2010 in Salt Lake City.

Run time about 5 mins. its just a short and fun video of the GB and Jedi hamming it up.

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Conduit XX: Space Camp Utah and a Klingon Lunch Lady.

Will the real Klingon lunch lady please stand up, please stand up please stand up?….  Ok enough of that Jaleta Clegg, you have heard of

utah space camp logo
Utah Space Camp

her in a previous episode on  Well Jaleta is not only a book author,  a mother and a geek, she works with Space Camp Utah.lunch lady

She told me that she is called the Klingon lunch lady, for some of the weird names that come up with for lunch.  Mystery meat anyone?  how about Warrigul with Bahgol (ya I looked that up on wikipedia, like I speak kling on).  .  Just EEEW.  Jaleta brings a sense of humor in this segment, and is also a fan of homestar runner yet the staff at Utah space camp tell her to stop playing the music too loud!

Enjoy this latest episode:

Compare the sinister Jaleta photo with my findings of a Klingon female, notice anything similar  with the pictures above?

Utah Space Camp

Jaleta’s home pagehomestar runner

originally filmed on 03-May-2010  at Conduit XX: Space pirates of conduit.  Live from the convention floor.

<-  my homey  homestarrunner!  he runs fast, has no arms and has a speech impediment.

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Conduit XX: Jaleta Clegg Nexus Point and more.

Jaleta Clegg is a local author from Utah.  Her most recent work Nexus point contains ship, explosion and the feudal age (in laymen terms, the dark ages).

excerpt from her book:

When Captain Dace crash lands on a primitive planet, she finds herself on the run from villagers who are sure she’s a demon and the Patrol, who’s sure she’s a smuggler. Accused of piracy, facing death or worse at the hands of those who should be rescuing her, she must find not only some way to survive but also escape. Unfortunately, the world has other plans….

Jaleta  (jay let ah) is not only candid and a geek, she is a great asset  to the written word.

More information can be found here:

and just to prove it,  here is a pre-interview pic of Jaleta !


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Maximilian Werner ~ Black River Dreams

Max Facebook imageMaximilian Werner a writing professor from the Univeristy of Utah and Jeff from spoke about the work on Black River Dreams, living in Utah’s unique writing style.
Black River Dreams won the 2008 Utah Arts Council’s Original Writing Award for Nonfiction in the Book category.

Max will be at The Kingsenglish Bookshop in salt lake city, for a book reading, and discussion on Thursday Febuary 4th .

Google maps

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Additional information about Mr Warner.


Black River Dreams, available at

Direct links to here :


Applebee’s food service on redwood road (utah)

Two words: Gross GROSS GROSS ok so it one word repeated three times.

location to avoid. Take your business elsewhere.
5678 S Redwood Road
Taylorsville, UT 84123
(801) 963-5100

History: I stopped going to this applebees in 2008 for a simular issue, we ordered a mexican dish (ya make sense at a American food chain), it was covered in plastic and stuck in the microwave to melt the cheese, well the cheese was aslo glad wrap that melted on the plate when they removed the entire meal from the broiler with half melted cheese! hello a hot plate will melt skin and plastic you idiots.

Today : 9-11-2009
This location has poor kitchen staff on a slow night, tonight 9-11-2009 at 7:15 MST (-0700 GMT) I was served a RAW ‘med well’ steak, not to hard to fix I sent it back. I then ate the ribblets and had plastic from the basting brush it it, easy to fix you say, well when my steak returned I cut it in half to make sure it was cooked and viola another piece of the brush. it was in the meat, not on top of it. The manager needs to do a few things to fix this type of mistake that costs them customers and bad press.

  • Speak english
  • Learn how to instruct the kitchen staff. I sure can grill without that stuff falling on my food.
  • Speed the customer out the door when they ask you to hurry with the check.
  • Expect to get pwnd on the internet.
  • Shut up and listen to the customer.

Pokemon City championship 2007

Pokemon 2007 city championship , live recording 20-Dec-2007 from Purple Dragon games

Episode #315a ~ I-SCI-FI Turns five years old , Part 1 of 2

I-SCI-FI turns five years old. this is a live show from our BBQ and group gathering!

Segment 1 of 2.

Episode #315b ~ I-SCI-FI Turns five years old , Part 2 of 2

I-SCI-FI is five years old. part 2 of our live show/BBQ