We will be hosting two panels at Salt Lake FanX September 2023
FanX is celerbrating 10 years from Salt Lake Comic-Con (long story) to the Fan eXperiance. FANX!
In September 2023 we are hosting two different game show panels for fun, sarcasm and testing your knowledge of Star Wars (Movies, Animated series, Books, TV series like The Mandalorian and some interesitng twist with local Utah geeks), Harry Potter as well. Star Wars should be on the FanX schedule, please check the FanX app as changes have already come up! Friday 21-Sept 4pm MDT (Utah time) and Harry Potter friday 22-September 2023 at 7pm MDT (Utah Time).
TWITCH LIVE! Yes we are attempting to broadcast this via twitch.tv. however due to the number of people at the convention the wifi and cell phone internet may be so slow that the broadcast doesnt go through. This shoudlnt stop of from recording and posting to youtube at a later date as well!
More info to come as we are in the final days of testing and getting ready to be and FanX10
Sony PSN (PlayStation network) and media network known as Qriocity is down, hacked, broken none the less the PSN fanboys don’t seem to be bitching much.
Image via CrunchBase
However the fanboys of the biggest competitor to PSN are laughing all the way to their XBL gold card. Yes PSN is free if you own a PS3 and have multi player games, however without the PSN you are forced to be in single player mode. LMAO! Mr Rodgers Land of Make Believe or PSN?
If Sony charged for PSN I think they would have fixed the issue by now, but as of April 25th they have been down hard for five days. *snicker. I’m not trying to sound fanboyish, but I have to snicker that this makes world wide news considering its is a free service. Yes you can get game add-on, music downloads and other bits from the PSN Qriocity side but its not required to play a game, again unless you want to play online.
No hacker group has come forward with bragging about the hack
To quote Sony:
Valued PlayStation Network/Qriocity Customer:
We have discovered that between April 17 and April 19, 2011, certain
PlayStation Network and Qriocity service user account information was
compromised in connection with an illegal and unauthorized intrusion
into our network. In response to this intrusion, we have:
Temporarily turned off PlayStation Network and Qriocity services;
Engaged an outside, recognized security firm to conduct a full and complete investigation into what happened; and
Quickly taken steps to enhance security and strengthen our network infrastructure by re-building our system to provide you with greater protection of your personal information.
Wait Sony!, you were hacked, and you know it then you should be able to provide the data that traces where it came from. Any guesses that this is from RIPE.net IP addresses. Even worse, personal information, email address, username, passwords, credit card info may have been compromised! Holy Epic Fail!
I am a tech enthusiast, a geek, a network admin and much more. I enjoy computer games and grew up (or did I) living in Arcades. This isn’t the first time a game network went down, but sure as shit is pretty bad when the billing information should be on a separate system that is linked to a user account. No duh Sony if you store information in the datawarehouse that is in the same database tables as the customer’s login instead of pointed to the data outside the PSN system you would have less of a risk of confidential user-data from being stolen.
Sorry sony, you do make great products for the consumer but with PSN you fail big time.