Twisted Toonz – Salt Lake Comic-Con 26 Sept 2015

The group that brought Twisted Toonz to life,  came to Salt Lake Comic-Con.  Several voice actors, including  Jess Harnell (Wakko Warner)  , Rob Paulsen (Yakko Warner), Tress MacNeille (Dot Warner) all from Animaniacs.  Also Maurice LaMarche (Kif from Futurama) , Dee Bradley Baker (American Dad, Star Wars: Clone Wars) and hosted by  Jeff Zannini.

This original material was performed in front of a live audience at Salt Lake Comic-Con, Saturday 25-Sept-2015.

The content and material is re-broadcast under fair-use and share-alike.   We do not own the material, the scripting or the voice characters used in this performance.

**  Please note that this material, any likeness  to real or fictional persons is purely for satire.  Some material may not be appropriate for children.  Rated PG-13/R  for language and crude behavior. **


The camera may shake because of the laughter, and the video angle and/or colors may shift as to the fact this is not the original source video.

So funny you will wet your pants,  close your eyes and listen from time to time and you can see the books/screenplay play-out in your head.

Enjoy! and have fun!

run-time : 94.5 minutes

FanX15 – Animaniacs voice actors interview

Animaniacs logo, featuring Yakko, Wakko and Do...
Animaniacs logo, featuring Yakko, Wakko and Dot plus Pinky and the Brain (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Animaniacs was a great animated TV series brought to us by Warner Brothers studios.

mr Hack sat down with two talented artists that provided the voices of Wakko and Yakko Warner.

Wakko Warner voice Jess Harnell, he looks like gene simmons, talks like me and is a bit flirty with the ladies too.  If you only could have been to FanX15 when we filmed this!
Yakko Warner voice Rob Paulsen, he is one smart ass and I got him to swear in character!  I’m okay with that too.

Both Jess and Rob we gracious to talk about their craft, how the play off each other and some of the great stories which working characters we all have grown to love over the years.


Like Yakko  said.  I-SCI-FI,  why the hell don’t you ? :D


Video is 720p but still awesome to chat with these two!

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Miriam Simun, a NYU student started a project to make cheese from hman breast milk. Yes breast milk is healthy for babies, and full of vitamins, but for adults and in cheese , I kinds get me creepy out thinking about this one.

human cheese

Granted cow’s milk isn’t the best thing for us human according to some, but would you want to have cheese from human that may be the last person you would even thing of getting within 100 feet of you, not only that how would the FDA regulate this. Sure its not from dead people or by products, but just eeeew..

This is not funny and I didn’t make it up but see for yourself the original sources are listed below:

Original post :

source :

* geeks how would you like to work at this dairy? lol not.  <PUKE>repeat</PUKE>